The Happiness Jar

The Happiness JarI first heard of the Happiness Jar yesterday…

…apparently it’s a big thing out there. My wife learned about it from a friend on Facebook and proceeded to tell me about it.

We made a decision together to implement the Happiness Jar in our lives to start the New Year.

The Happiness Jar was inspired by Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love..

It’s an easy way of reminding yourself every day of the happiness that came out of your day, even if the day has been a challenge.

I never read the book, but I did see the movie and can’t recall if the Happiness Jar was part of the story, but it seems to me that any help that we can get to remember the good and happy times in our life would be beneficial and help us when times are tough.

The Details of the Happiness Jar

==>> My 1ST Entry in the Happiness Jar <<==

The Happiness Jar In 4 Easy Steps

Having your own Happiness Jar is something that anyone can do! It’s so simple to do and put together… And you can do it in 4 easy steps:

1. EVERYDAY THINK OF SOMETHING THAT MADE YOU HAPPY. There’s no rules or restrictions when thinking of things that make you happy. It could be anything really… Just be true to yourself and sometimes the simple things provide some of the greatest joys.

2. WRITE IT DOWN ON A PIECE OF PAPER. Use scraps of paper that would be convenient for you to write small message. You could even make the effort to have a “ready-made” pile next to the jar with a pen for ease of use.

3. MAKE DAILY DEPOSITS INTO THE HAPPINESS JAR. The idea is to use the jar daily and write down at least one thing per day and put it in the jar. Sometimes we get busy and may miss a day or two… Just pick up where you left off.

4. READ THE MESSAGES WHEN LIFE GETS TOUGH. A lot of the stories I read from other people implementing the Happiness Jar is that they would read all of the things that made them happy on New Year’s Eve, but you can read them any time when you need a little pick me up. It’s can also be a great reminder of the blessings received.

BONUS TIP – PLACE THE JAR “IN THE WAY”. If you’re having trouble remembering to use the happiness jar, put it in a place that’s “in the way”. Some place that you’ll see it everyday to constantly remind yourself to think of those things that made you happy during the day.

Free Printable – Happiness Jar

If you want, you can print the following picture to tape or glue to your very own happiness jar.

Happiness Jar printable

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Remember, only YOU have the CHOICE
to make it a great day!

Your Partner in Success,

Evan Scoresby


Work With Me Directly

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