How To Promote Your Blog

How To Promote Your BlogHave you ever wondered, “how to promote your blog?”

Some think that just because they have a blog on the Internet that people will visit your blog out of think air! They don’t!

…you need to promote it! But how?

There’s a lot of different ways to promote your blog – through paid or free marketing strategies. I’ll be focusing on some free marketing strategies on how to promote your blog.

How to Promote Your Blog For Free

FIRST – Once I complete a blog post (of which I try to do daily), I syndicate it and share it on the major social media networks. These include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+.

This is just a few social media networks, but these will get your particular blog post some immediate visitors.

How to Promote Your BlogSECOND – After I’ve shared it on the various social media networks, I then submit my post to a couple of SEO tools to create some back links to my blog helping it with search engine visibility.

These tools are SocialMonkee and Pingler. SocialMonkee is available for free and allows you to submit your blog post to 25 sites once per day. I upgraded and have the ability to submit up 100 sites with three different links.

THIRD – Lastly, I send out a broadcast email to my subscriber list letting them know of the update to my website. In my opinion, this is probably the most important and any Internet marketer’s most valuable possession.

Daily Training On How To Promote Your Blog

I’m lucky enough to be connected to a group of Internet marketer leaders and top income earners who willingly share their secrets and provide daily training to team members.

Just one aspect of this daily training is how to promote your blog among many other things. Here’s a sneak peak into our team website showing you all of the valuable training available.


Just click the link above, enter your email address, and watch the video. Wait for the clock to hit zero…

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to make it a great day!

Your Partner in Success,

Evan Scoresby


Work With Me Directly

P.S. CLICK HERE to get your free account with SocialMonkee and start creating up to 25 back links every day!

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