Updating & Promoting Your Affiliate Links

Updating & Promoting Your Affiliate LinksLet’s face it, updating and promoting your affiliate links can be a beast!

Especially if you do a lot of direct linking. Meaning, taking the direct affiliate link for an offer you’re promoting and sending out into cyberspace.

What if the affiliate offer gets pulled and no longer available? You’ll have to go to each affiliate link that you have on the Internet and update it with a current link so you’ll continue to get paid.

If you have that link in hundreds of places, it can be very time consuming and difficult to make updates. There is an easier way.

How to Update & Promote Your Affiliate Links

Get a Domain Name Here

Why Should You Forward & Mask Your Affiliate Links

Affiliate links are mostly very long and complicated having a string of letters and numbers making literally no sense to most people. These affiliate links also include your affiliate id or number that ‘tags’ you to that page so you’ll get credit for any sales that come through you affiliate link.

A common affiliate link from ClickBank looks something like this: http://c5e27z0wwhgkzc74zmwo4hsmtx.hop.clickbank.net. So one reason is to change that awkward link with a domain name like: http://surveys.onlinehomecareers.info.

Another reason you want to hide your affiliate links through domains is because of link hijacking. When someone who wants to click your affiliate link hovers the mouse on the link, the actual link address is displayed at the bottom of the browser. If the visitor is also an affiliate s/he will understand it’s an affiliate link and may go directly to the page to purchase the product leaving you without a commission.

Having your link masked to a custom domain or sub-domain eliminates this risk. The visitor has no choice but to got to your affiliate coded link, which then puts a ‘cookie’ on their computer which identifies your affiliate page to get credit for the sale.

Like I mentioned in the video, it’s a great way to update affiliate links in case offers no longer exist. Instead of updating links directly out in cyberspace, all you would need to do is update the domain settings, and it automatically updates your links out there on the web.

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to make it a FANTASTIC day! 🙂

Your Partner in Success,


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P.S. Don’t forget to purchase a domain name to get started with this strategy.

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